Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Beginnings

Out with the old and in with the new they say. While it's important to use this time in reflection of the past year's accomplishments, shortcomings, milestones and, yes, tragedies and sad events, what will we all make of 2008? A clean slate is set before us, an open canvas upon which to make our unique, indelible marks. Change stretches its young legs one man and one woman at a time, and from there momentum gains steam and can effect society as a whole. It's a time to think globally by first working locally. That begins as much in all of our hearts and souls as in our backyards. Life is too short; what can we do to cause change? How can we reinvent ourselves? Is there more each of us can do to bring about change in our daily lives that can affect the lives of others? What special projects have we long placed on the back burner that we can implement in the New Year? How can we individually grow? What can we donate, not just monetarily, but of time? What are our passions? Our loves? What can we embrace more readily? How can we expand our minds? How can we improve our personal health as well as those in our community? What can be said, shared that we've previously been too afraid to reveal? How can we become happier human beings? What can we do, where can we go in the New Year in an effort to truly live? "Get busy living or get busy dying" is one of my more favorite movie quotes, and they are truly words to live by. The dawning New Year is the time to embrace these words, our friends and loved ones and most importantly our fellow man. It's a trying time in our civilization, and we all need all the help and consideration we can get.

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