Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Hampshire Dreams

Like Ma Bell I've got the ill communication. The hook from rap group A Tribe Called Quest should be the tag line for the national press covering the presidential election process this winter, or at least the official campaign theme song. Because it's starting to make me sick.
Why can't it just be over, already?
Except for perhaps the ongoing Roger Clemens "did he or didn't he?" steroid saga, no other news story this side of Britney Spear's meltdown has the nation, the world even, as riveted as who will be the next leader of the free world. It really doesn't matter who I would prefer, though I will admit he's half-black and, I believe, the embodiment for the causation of real change in Washington, D.C. But that's beside the point.
I've never been a Johnny-Come-Lately when it comes to most anything, especially politics. For some reason, call it a premonition, but I have the uncanny knack of calling it like I see it early on in a race. Later I sit back and say "I told you so." It's like my personal "Inland Empire."
It happened with Bush 43 and can be traced as far back as Jimmy Carter's upstart defeat of President Gerald Ford in 1976. Not to say there was a lot of drama remaining before the fat lady sang.
Proof in point: New Hampshire. The second primary state following Iowa as the national dipstick for gauging who the finalists could be. The winners would have all the momentum for the next battle in South Carolina. John McCain took the GOP side, and the Hillary Clinton took the Dems race.
But what pisses me off to no end is that the media failed to report that despite taking a slight majority of votes, Clinton and Obama share the same number of delegates. Actually Obama has a slight lead. A true look at the current delegate race does show Hillary with a big lead, but that's due to the number of government officials who have given her their support. There's still some 2,500 points out there to be grabbed.
So what did she win, really?
And really, besides my horse, and mine is really the only one that counts -- hey, you can get your own blog and don't you dare get racial on me -- what other options do we really have this go-round?
A two-bit actor who has about as much substance as a cracker, forgive the pun. A lot was made of Fred Thompson's entry into the GOP race over the summer, but thankfully he never quite caught on. Then there's Arkansas' Mike Huckabee, another backwoods hick -- and I can say that because my family hails from Tennesee -- who honestly, at least in public circles, believes in the Adam and Eve story of creation over rational and proven scientific fact. Where's Finn to this Huck when you need him?
Then we have a Mormon and a thrice-married, cross-dresser. And don't forget the old man who took New Hampshire or that wacky Ron Paul, who's a great salesman but has yet to pack the punch of substance necessary to pull votes. And Dennis Kucinich is just plane mad.
On to the Dems, with their great white woman hope. Sorry Hillary but you're no Bill. John Edwards is intriguing and could actually find his way into the vice presidential office this second time around. Bill Richardson is just too far out there in the Badlands.
So who are you going to choose?
Sure, Barack Obama is a feel-good story but with limited experience. Much has been made about the lack of international chops from the junior senator from Illinois. Lest you forget, George Bush had merely his daddy's name, less than two terms as the governor of Texas, and don't forget ownership of the Texas Rangers, on his resume.
And look how good that's turned out.

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