Friday, February 01, 2008

Man on Fire

Being a man who loves women, and especially hot women who love women, I've been known to tune into "the L word," Showtime's dramatic interpretation and revelation of lesbian culture in America. Whilst I know nothing of what it's like to be a lesbian, I am friends with lesbians and have a cousin who hails from this side of the sexuality fence. But, to me, the series seems realistic. After all, how much better can a Friday night get when you're going to a club called "She Bar."
Believe me, I've used my imagination.
The several episodes I've seen have been good enough, most well remembered for the sex scenes. They've been filled with good acting and the subject matter provocatively entertaining and oftentimes humorous. No offense to the good writers, but I'll never watch again.
If I portray myself as a typing dichotomy, here's precisely why: one bad apple ruined it for the whole orchard.
For men, "bros before hos" is not only a pithy saying but a mantra. It's the Book of Proverbs for single guys, and there should be nothing sexist about it despite the connotations. Quite simply, your male friends come first because, most likely, they were there long before she came along. And most likely they'll still be there long after she's gone.
I welcome women to think likewise. Power in numbers, I say.
So when you witness a pretty bird peck out the heart of one of your best boys, it's on sister.
This is neither nor a plug for the Tom Leykis Show. I'm a journalist, so far be it from me to resort to gossip or serve as a publicist for a self-described woman hater. After all, I love women. But I refuse to allow myself or my friends be taken advantage of.
What an L word regular did recently to one of my friends, while not uncommon or completely reprehensible, forces me to say something. In an all-too-common occurrence, especially in Los Angeles, a beautiful woman mesmerized a man and strung him along until he was nothing more than a heap of used yarn strewn about the gutter. Yes, men use women all the time. It's not right, but it happens. So, you ask, what's wrong with a woman using a man every once in a while for an expensive dinner, or much more?
Basically, two wrongs don't make a right. Say what you will about my friend -- and believe me I along with others have already -- but he no more deserved this treatment than a woman does from a man. End the double-standard!
It's time to stand up for our brothers -- and sisters -- and put an end to this age-old game of deception. I recognize as much as anybody that shit happens and things change. For all I know, or my friend for that matter, this certain actress might have very good reason for pushing him away. It could be another man, or woman. Maybe this person's career and schedule will be taking her out of the country and the timing's just not right. That's life. I know this and accept it. But this situation reminded me of something much larger which deserves all of our attention.
For the love of God be a real man -- or a woman -- and be truthful with each other! We all can easily fall in and out of love or like and want to cut and run, but what's with all the dishonesty? As Elvis Costello wrote, "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?"
Wouldn't the world be a much better place if we all just leveled with each other and said what's really on our minds? Why the need to illicitly draw things out with $200 sushi dinners or booty calls when all the while you know it's going nowhere but the recycling bin? People, we have more dignity than that. So treat your fellow man -- and woman -- with the same respect you'd expect. Whether straight or gay, we all deserve the same consideration. It might well be a Utopian view but one that's been nagging at me for a while.
End the game of charades.
It took my friend's ego being broken these two weeks before Valentine's Day to finally do something about it. Because "the L word" I think is not simply about lesbianism but love.
So let's spread it. It's Friday night, and guess what TV show is on.

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